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How to Program Your Healing Crystals, Quartz & Gemstones

Wandeth Van Grover, MPH

You can cleanse clear quartz in the moonlight and in the sunlight and depending on the human crystal that you own. You can either charge your crystal underneath the sunlight or the moonlight. Using sea salt and water can help cleanse your crystal or quartz or healing stone. It can help rid unwanted energy. Before you place your clear quartz or healing quartz or gemstone inside any type of liquid or in this case water, make sure you know the porosity of your gemstone because you do not want to cause any damage to your stone or quartz.

Refer to the Mohs scale to figure out if your healing stone or quartz can be submerged in water or not. I actually made a video on that so check that out. So once you've figured if your quartz or healing stone can be placed in water overnight, you're going to get a mason jar or a clear glass container, fill it up with water and let it charge underneath the moonlight.

Now make sure you know what phase the moon is under because the phases of the moon interferes with the energy that is cleansing your crystal overnight.

For a quick cleanse, use running water to cleanse your crystal and as you do so ask the universe to remove all of its negative energies that's stored within the crystal or quartz and to amplify its intention. You can use other healing stones and quartz in order to cleanse other crystals and quartz and gemstones as well. Certain crystals associated with purification like carnelian or clear quartz are thought to actually cleanse other stones. So you can stack these stones on top of any other quartz or crystals you want to charge, to clear them of negative energies.

Another method you can utilize is visual cleansing. The next time your crystal is in need of a refreshing, hold it in your hands, close your eyes and visualize a cleansing ray of light washing over it.

It’s very important to know with your right hand you give energy out and with your left hand you actually receive energy. So when you're cleansing your crystal keep your intentions at the forefront of your mind: do you want to cleanse it of negative energy so it could absorb your tension and stress? If so you would want to utilize your left hand because you're receiving that energy. If you're cleansing your crystal because you like to amplify and magnify its intention, you place it on your right hand because you give energy with your right hand. If you want to get something out into the world or you need help claiming or manifesting something utilize your right hand. Now let's talk about storing your crystals and approaching crystals gemstones and quartz with a clear positive mind now.

** Remember, when a healing crystal breaks on you, it has completed its work with you and its job is down. Thank it for its service and love and return it to the earth by burying it. **

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